

At restörr Health we offer remedial and sports massage; whether you are suffering from long term unresolving muscle tension, or preparing for and/or recovering from competition.

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Regular massage can have many benefits not only to the recreational or elite performer, but to anyone looking to invest a little time in themselves promoting mind-body wellbeing.

Our physiotherapists may use massage techniques as part of your physiotherapy session to help with soft tissue mobilisations, trigger point and myofascial release. 

Massage can help with:

  • Relieving tight muscles
  • Treating muscle soreness
  • Reduce muscular tension
  • Pain reduction

Benefits of Massage

Pain relief

Massage can be beneficial as a natural remedy to pain through receptor stimulation and the release of endorphins which have been shown to reduce pain. Increased blood circulation to the area will generate heat and promote the exchange of fluids between cells, reducing pain by reducing nerve compression.


The surface of the skin has many sensory nerve endings that respond to touch influencing our central nervous system. When these nerves are stimulated natural chemicals are released; such as dopamine, which help us to feel happy, relaxed and more energised.

Increased joint mobility and flexibility

The evident effects massage has on the soft tissue structures in our body has a knock on effect on our bones and joint flexibility. Reducing muscular tension, realigning fascia, scar tissue and promoting the reabsorption of adhesions helps the skeletal frame to realign; improving our posture and overall mobility.


Remedial massage can help to stimulate blood circulation and promote joint mobility. This allows damaged tissue to repair by balancing muscle tone, length and relieving tension on areas where your body needs attention. Massage can help to restore correct load upon the joints and bones therefore reducing injury risk and promote healing.

Feel free to ask any questions or enquire about an appointment

T 07912 614274 T [email protected]

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