A physio + pilates studio rooted in the heart of Yorkshire with wellness at its core

Lauren is a fully certified APPI Pilates instructor and is passionate about using her specialist knowledge to help clients recover from injury and empower people to be stronger, healthier and more confident in their body’s ability to move.

Online pilates classes available

restörr Health offer both live streamed classes, and an on-demand library. With new workouts added weekly, you can have unlimited access to the on-demand library at the touch of a button. Train with us day or night, anywhere in the world! Our live streaming allows you to train with restörr Health founder and physiotherapist, Lauren Storr, LIVE from the comfort of your own home. With classes Monday-Saturday you’ll be sure to find one that suits you!

Meet Lauren Storr

BSc (Hons). MCSP. HCPC. APPI Certified.

Lauren is a fully certified APPI Pilates instructor and is passionate about using her specialist knowledge to help clients recover from injury and empower people to be stronger, healthier and more confident in their body’s ability to move.

Learn more about us